Hello everyone!
If you are here from watching our video on The Nightly Review, we thank you and appreciate you coming here to get the full scoop on this beautiful practice. The thing to remember about The Nightly Review is that it is meant to help us grow as individuals, and when we grow as a person, our relationship with our partner also increases. We do this with our partners so they can be a part of our personal development and we can be a part of theirs. This creates the action of love, which is required in all our relationships.
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So, I wanted to get more involved in the blog post with different ways of being resentful, selfish, dishonest, and afraid. We have some overall umbrella terms that help us identify how these words manifest in our lives and relationships. Let’s go over these terms, then we will have an example.
- Resentment, in true definition, is a recurring feeling of bitterness toward a person, institution, or even a principle. For The Nightly Review, we look at resentment more like “Did we get upset with a person, place, ourselves, or a principle.”. An example is someone cut us off in traffic, or my partner didn’t do something they said they would do. That’s what they did, and it made us upset. That the resentment
2. Selfishness is genuinely the most crucial thing to identify because understanding this will, over time, help us stay calm more often. Where we are selfish in resentment is “We thought” or “We wanted” something to happen that usually didn’t. When “we want or thought something” that’s an expectation, or a desire, that wasn’t fulfilled. So, we allow ourselves to get upset.
3. Dishonest is more than just lying. I’ll make a list of ways of being dishonest below.
4. Fear is a part of our lives in so many ways we usually don’t even realize. Even in the small things like picking out our outfits for the day. For example, we are thinking about what to wear, but instead of wearing what we want to, we pick something out that we believe others will like more. What this means is we are afraid of rejection from other people or them thinking we aren’t cool or something. This is a really silly and small example, but I hope it shows you how it doesn’t have to be a big situation for fear to crop up in our lives. We will have a list below of umbrella terms for having fear.
Different ways of being Dishonest
- Not seeing the truth – This is when we make an assumption about a situation and base our opinion on that assumption without knowing the real truth.
- Lie to self – This is when we justify something in our heads to make it ok. For example, I’m going to do this thing, even though I probably shouldn’t, to get this result.
- Lie of omission – This is leaving out the truth by simply not saying something.
- Being a hypocrite – Have I done this same thing before?
- Outright lie – Is the sky blue? No, it’s red… That is an outright lie.
- Denial – This is avoiding looking at the truth. We are afraid of seeing the truth, so we don’t look.
- False control – Thinking we had control over the situation. If you believe in a higher power, this is where you understand we were trying to “Play God” and control the show.
- Unusual expectations – We all have expectations. They aren’t all bad, but if we get in a relationship with someone who has cheated on their last 5 partners, it’s an unusual expectation to think they wouldn’t cheat on us also.
Different ways of being in fear
- Abandonment – Fear of someone leaving us
- People’s opinions – Fear of how people think and look at us.
- Fear of being alone – Fear of not having someone there with or for us.
- Losing what I have – These next two are powerful to understand. We are afraid of losing what we have. Like our job, relationship, dignity, etc..
- Losing what I don’t have – This is afraid of not getting something we want. Like the way a child is mad when they don’t get the candy they want.
- Being disrespected – Fear of someone putting us down or feeling lower than someone else. This deals with our pride mainly
- Financial fear – Involving money
- Fear of failure – Not getting something we are working for.
- Fear of success – Getting something that will cause a change in our life that we might not want. For example, if get a raise, we will have to work more. We might not want to work more. That’s where the fear comes from.
The 14-day Nightly Review Challenge
We Challenge you and your partner to try the nightly review for 14 nights in a row. At first, it might take a little while to get through the review. Once you get familiar with the format and the different terms, you will be able to identify these faster and easier.
If you do The 14-Day Nightly Review Challenge, please leave a comment on our video on YouTube to let us know how it helped! You can also ask any questions on that video or by emailing us at [email protected]