Visiting the Souq Wakif in Doha, Qatar!

Our latest adventure brings us to the fascinating city of Doha, Qatar, a perfect blend of modern development and rich cultural heritage. After a calm but exhausting 14-hour flight, we were eager to explore this vibrant city, despite the jet lag and intense summer heat. You guys, like 115 degrees Fahrenheit (46 Celsius) kind of dry desert heat!

Our day started early, at 5:30 AM, thanks to jet lag. Despite the early hour, the temperature was already soaring at 95 degrees Fahrenheit. We headed to breakfast at The Golden Tulip, where we were staying, and it was impressive! The breakfast featured a variety of delicious dishes, from eggplant and curry to a whole cheese bar with cucumber yogurt, hummus and herb enhanced oils. It was the perfect way to start our day, and we couldn’t wait to explore more!

Post-breakfast, we decided to go for a walk, a family tradition. However, this was the first time we had ever taken a walk in 108-degree heat. The shade provided some relief, but the hot wind felt like a hair dryer blowing in our faces (and being a hairstylist for 20 years, I know the feeling!) Despite the heat, we were captivated by the mix of ultra-modern buildings and traditional architecture.

By 9:30 AM, the heat was unbearable, and we were the only ones crazy enough to be walking outside. The frantic cab drivers would pull near us and wave us in as if we were slowly melting into the cement. Honestly, I wouldn’t be surprised if we had heat waves fuming from the tops of our heads. We decided to head back to the hotel and rest until the evening when the temperatures would be more manageable.

As the sun set, we ventured out to Souq Waqif, one of Doha’s most famous markets, and for good reason! The temperature was still around 100 degrees, but it felt much more comfortable than during the day. The Souq was bustling with life, a stark contrast to the deserted streets we had seen earlier.

Walking through Souq Waqif felt like stepping into a movie set. The market was filled with art, jewelry, food, and street vendors, offering a sensory overload of sights, sounds, and smells. We tried various local delicacies, from rainbow pumpkin seeds to dried flowers (that tasted like cardboard according to Shanti). The market’s vibrant atmosphere was infectious, and we found ourselves lost in its charm… and well, lost. It’s massive!

One of the highlights of Souq Waqif was witnessing the local way of life. Unlike typical tourist markets, this souq was packed full of locals shopping for their daily needs. Spices, nuts, and other goods were sold in bulk, and it was a new perspective to see people sampling items directly from the bins as they shopped, no hesitation, just grab and taste!

Our first day in Doha was a mix of intense heat, cultural immersion, and unforgettable experiences. We can’t wait to explore more of this incredible city over the next 10 days. In our next blog, we’ll be visiting the Qatar National Museum for some educational fun with Shanti!

We hope our experiences inspire you to explore new places and embrace different cultures. Don’t forget to check out our YouTube channel and follow us for more travel stories and tips.

Remember, this is just a glimpse into our journey. If you’d like to dive in for the juicy details, please have a look at our YouTube for the full episode! I’ll make it easy on ya, just click this cool link 👉🏽 Their Happy Trails YouTube

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